Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Runday (pt1)

Welcome back, readers, to PWG! Today's entry will be a 2 parter, which is most likely gonna happen with most of my Sunday entries.

The reason why: Sundays are my long run days. I run 3 short runs (3-5 miles) during the week, usually Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and I use Mondays and Saturdays as rest days. So far, it's worked for me.

Anyway, today's run: I ran 11.5 miles today (or 12, depending on which of my GPS devices was correct. I'm going with the shorter distance.) I took 3 breaks during this run, to rest my feet a little bit, and to take some pictures, which I'm gonna post on here....... now.

Break #1 at 3 miles:

Break #2 at 6 miles:

Break #3 at 9 miles:

And I just thought I'd add this one, since it was enough to make me stop and take a picture, but this was at 10.8 miles:

It's always nice to take a look at things around you when running. You'll never really notice the beauty of the world otherwise. Take your time, because the only thing that matters in running is having fun, and not hurting yourself or others.

Question Time! If you guys run regularly, do you have a normal schedule for when you do it? If so, what days or times do you go out and have a nice little fun run?

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